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Currently reading

Snow on the Mountain
P.D. Singer
K.Z. Snow
Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four
Megan Derr, Mark Alders, Rory Auden, Poppy Dennison, Charles Edward, R.L. Ferguson, S.A. Garcia, David Greene, Kathleen Hayes, Kayla Jameth, K-lee Klein, Celia Kyle, Taylor Law, Elizabeth Lister, Ryan Loveless, Selah March, Michele L. Montgomery, Zahra
With Caution (With or Without Series, #3)
J.L. Langley
Conviction (Club Destiny, #1) - Nicole Edwards I thought that this was just okay. I thought that Samantha did too much running away and thinking too hard. Rather than just giving in. With that said, HOLY SHEEP! They barely know each other and the second time (same day as the first time) they have sex he invites a 3rd in? Couldn't you wait until at least the 3rd or 4th time. Maybe get to know each other better? See what your kinks/fantasies are? I mean, that seems like a smart thing to do. But, hey, jumping in the deep end is always fun too. Just might drown you, if you aren't careful.

Seriously though, Sam, I thought she was childish. Especially with the dinner conversation and the 2 week trip. NOT COOL! Avoidance is never the answer. I thought Logan was too nice to her during those times.

The sex was SMOKIN' though. Wow.

Can't wait to read Luke (and Cole's) story next.