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Currently reading

Snow on the Mountain
P.D. Singer
K.Z. Snow
Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four
Megan Derr, Mark Alders, Rory Auden, Poppy Dennison, Charles Edward, R.L. Ferguson, S.A. Garcia, David Greene, Kathleen Hayes, Kayla Jameth, K-lee Klein, Celia Kyle, Taylor Law, Elizabeth Lister, Ryan Loveless, Selah March, Michele L. Montgomery, Zahra
With Caution (With or Without Series, #3)
J.L. Langley
No One to Trust (Red Stone Security, #1) - Katie Reus Holy sheep! I was not expecting this to be so good; especially for only 99c.

This was action packed with the right amount of romance/steam.

How hot was Porter (even the name...swoon!)?! Gotta love those Alpha's.

What I want to know is how did Benny end up with the Feds/US Marshalls to end up in WITSEC? When did he meet with them? How did he fake his own death if he was on the boat? Wait, was he on the boat?

Overall, can't wait to read more of this series. Grant is next!!!