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Currently reading

Snow on the Mountain
P.D. Singer
K.Z. Snow
Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four
Megan Derr, Mark Alders, Rory Auden, Poppy Dennison, Charles Edward, R.L. Ferguson, S.A. Garcia, David Greene, Kathleen Hayes, Kayla Jameth, K-lee Klein, Celia Kyle, Taylor Law, Elizabeth Lister, Ryan Loveless, Selah March, Michele L. Montgomery, Zahra
With Caution (With or Without Series, #3)
J.L. Langley
Alone (The Girl in the Box, #1) - Robert J. Crane 3.5 Stars

I wasn't expecting this, especially for a free book. It was good. Wish there was more about her mom and why Wolfe wanted her so bad. I also wish there was more interaction with other Meta's.

Can't wait to see what happens with Zack and Reed in the next book.