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Snow on the Mountain
P.D. Singer
K.Z. Snow
Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four
Megan Derr, Mark Alders, Rory Auden, Poppy Dennison, Charles Edward, R.L. Ferguson, S.A. Garcia, David Greene, Kathleen Hayes, Kayla Jameth, K-lee Klein, Celia Kyle, Taylor Law, Elizabeth Lister, Ryan Loveless, Selah March, Michele L. Montgomery, Zahra
With Caution (With or Without Series, #3)
J.L. Langley
The Other Guy - Cary Attwell I keep going back and forth between 3 and 4 stars. So I'll just say 3.5 Stars and round up.

I absolutely adored The Other Guy. Emory James is laugh out loud funny.

So what do you do when your fiance leaves you at the alter? You go on living (and take that honeymoon you paid for!) Emory went to Thailand and while he was at breakfast someone strikes a conversation. They hang out for the remainder of Nate's vacation.

Now, I will say this. I didn't miss the sex so much, since there is no sex on page, but I missed the feelings behind it. Emory has only dated women. Now, he's in Thailand and he sleeps with a man. What is going through his head? Is he scared? Nervous? How did it feel during/after? Did he have the best sex of his life and finally realize what he was missing/neglecting himself from having? I needed those feelings at least for the first time. This is the only reason why I had to drop my stars. I NEEDED to know to get the full picture.

Emory leaves Thailand and goes back home. But, he can't stop thinking about Nate. He talks to his best friend, Linn (who I LOVED!!!!) and she told him to be happy. What does Emory do when he bumps into Nate unexpectedly? He agrees to be friends, of course.

Yes, friends. Nate and Emory have amazing chemistry and Nate is a freaking force of nature. He steamrolled his way into Emory's life and I LOVED him for it. They are friends for months before they head into a relationship.

ACK! Relationship. With a man?! Emory is scared. Nate won't be anybody's dirty little secret.

Will Emory have the balls to come out of his closet?

Ended kind of abrupt. Sequel???